I do not remember ever purchasing anything through abebooks.com, though I guess I must have done so at some point, and used my Duke email address. I had never received an email from them in my life until this month, when I have gotten three promotional messages. What I can't fathom is, why did they bother to send me an email as useless as this one? (Note the places where they were supposed to customize the message based on my prior purchases, whatever they were.)

Sometimes I get on lists like this after buying from Amazon Marketplace or half.com, barely cognizant of who the seller is. (Though not usually for a book called your book, by an author named "the author." Sounds like some sort of postmodern memoir stunt, or maybe Time magazine is behind it...)
Maybe they're just emphasizing the kind of customer care they offer: the book is now yours, and yours alone, and they've proivded this service to you.
PS: Some abebooks.com equivalent of me or Tomek circa '05 just got a firm reprimand.
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